APEX Spine and Neurosurgery has two new locations coming soon!

Superion (Vertiflex)

APEX Spine and Neurosurgery

Neurosurgery & Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery located in Suwanee, GA & Bethlehem, GA

If back pain stems from lumbar spinal stenosis (narrowed spinal canal), The Vertiflex™ Procedure† Superion™ can offer the relief you deserve. At Apex Spine and Neurosurgery in Alpharetta, Bethlehem, Columbus, and Suwanee, Georgia, outstanding neurosurgeons use this procedure to widen the spinal canal and ease discomfort. Schedule an evaluation at Apex Spine and Neurosurgery by phone or request one online today to determine if you’re a candidate for Vertiflex Superion.

Superion (Vertiflex) Q & A

What is Vertiflex Superion?

The Vertiflex Superion procedure is a highly effective spinal decompression treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis, a condition that narrows the spinal canal and can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and burning sensations. 

The treatment involves inserting an FDA-approved, interspinous spacer that restores the space between vertebrae in your spine, reducing pressure placed on spinal nerves. Vertiflex Superion holds compressed vertebrae apart to reduce nerve inflammation and discomfort. 

What are the benefits of Superion for spinal stenosis?

Vertiflex Superion procedures are minimally invasive, offering reduced blood loss and less tissue damage with a low risk of post-procedure complications. The treatment preserves sensitive tissues in the back, is fully reversible, and allows exceptional motion in your lower back.

Who is a candidate for Vertiflex Superion?

Candidates for Superion suffer from low back pain linked to lumbar spinal stenosis. Symptoms of spinal stenosis include:

  • Back, buttock, or groin pain
  • Relief when sitting down
  • Cramping, numbness, tingling, burning, stiffness, or weakness
  • Difficulty standing or walking 

If your pain hasn’t responded to conservative pain-reducing options but you want to avoid traditional surgery, Vertiflex Superion may be right for you.

Your provider completes a physical exam and discusses your medical history and symptoms to determine which treatment is best. They may order X-rays, a CT scan, an MRI, or another imaging procedure to diagnose your condition. 

Conservative treatments for spinal stenosis include physical therapy, ice or heat packs, and corticosteroid injections. 

What happens during a Vertiflex Superion procedure?

Before the Superion procedure, you receive anesthesia to numb the area and a sedative to help you relax. Your surgeon makes a tiny incision, inserts a spacer device into your spine between two vertebrae, and closes the incision.

Afterward, you can typically go home on the same day but have a family member or friend drive you. You may have some soreness at the incision site. Take it easy and avoid strenuous exercise until given the okay. Attend follow-up appointments at Apex Spine and Neurosurgery and call the office at any time with questions. 

Schedule an appointment at Apex Spine and Neurosurgery by phone or request one online today to determine if Vertiflex Superion is right for you.