APEX Spine and Neurosurgery has two new locations coming soon!

SI Fusion

APEX Spine and Neurosurgery

Neurosurgery & Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery located in Suwanee, GA & Bethlehem, GA

If you suffer from low back, buttock, or leg pain because of sacroiliac joint (SI) damage, turn to Apex Spine and Neurosurgery in Alpharetta, Bethlehem, Columbus, and Suwanee, Georgia. Its experienced neurosurgeons provide SI fusion to ease the discomfort, allowing you to resume your favorite daily activities. Schedule an evaluation by calling the office or using the online booking feature today.

SI Fusion Q & A

What is SI fusion?

Sacroiliac fusion, or SI fusion, is a minimally invasive, 45-minute surgery that fuses an injured SI joint. This joint connects your lower spine to your pelvis. Injury to one or both of the SI joints can cause debilitating pain when not addressed. SI fusion stabilizes a painful joint to ease your discomfort without an invasive procedure or long recovery times.

When is SI fusion recommended?

SI fusion eases pain caused by degenerative or damaged SI joints. This damage can cause intense pain in your lower back and buttocks or radiating down your leg. Candidates for this procedure may have already tried conservative treatments and still have discomfort that restricts their physical activity. 

The Apex Spine and Neurosurgery experts determine if you’re a candidate for SI fusion after completing a physical exam, discussing your medical history and symptoms, and ordering imaging procedures or other diagnostic tests.

They may inject a local anesthetic with a steroid near the joint to determine if this offers relief, confirm a diagnosis, and develop the most appropriate treatment plan. If physical therapy, radiofrequency ablation, or other pain-reducing methods haven’t worked, SI fusion may be the solution for you.

What happens during SI fusion?

Your surgeon numbs the treatment area and offers a sedative to relax you or general anesthesia to make you fall asleep. They make a tiny incision, use imaging guidance to insert an implant into the affected SI joint to provide stability and close the incision. The procedure lasts about 45 minutes.

What should I expect after SI fusion?

You can usually head home on the same day as SI fusion surgery. Have a family member or friend drive you and stay with you. 

It’s important to follow your post-care instructions. Avoid strenuous activity until given the okay, and take any medications as directed. You can typically resume a normal routine within a few weeks. Attend follow-up appointments at Apex Spine and Neurosurgery, and call the office at any time with questions.

Schedule an evaluation at Apex Spine and Neurosurgery by phone or request one online today to learn if SI fusion is right for you.